June 10, 2005

A link to the what?

Let's try this here linkin' stuff. Only problem is, I can't seem to find anything worth linking to today, 'cause the net's all full of shit (thank Lordie for me blog, eh?).
Oh, here we go. Want to start your own radio show? Well I sure don't. Not if it means having to read through all that text.
But hey, hopefully the link is just about hyper enough and therefore working. And in that case I feel I've deserved a vacation for all my hard work. I DID spend the better part of ten minutes figuring this out, after all.
And then a few minutes writing this.
But you just can't be pleased, can you? You demand another link, do you? Spoiled pecker person you. Alright, go here, and don't come back.

And rest assured that I will never, ever link here.

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