February 19, 2008

Tits of Terror

Recently I saw this movie called "the Wicker Man". If any of you are thinking "oh yeah man, that's a classic, the greatest soft porn/cult thriller musical ever" and so on and so forth, let me just nip that in the bud right now: I'm talking about the Nick Cage version, m'kay? You know, the one that's so horribly awful that killing yourself (slowly, with a piece of papyrus) seems like a more pleasurable alternative? Right, now we're on the same page.

So, now that we've established that we're talking about a pretty rottensome moving picture, the question still remains: Why am I blogging about it? There's a million movies out there bad enough to warrant suicide, and it probably takes more time and effort writing a post like this than "the Wicker Man" took from idea to finished product. So, why I am spending my, and your, valuable time on this? The answer is simple: Because it pissed me the fuck off.

Now, I'm as chauvinistic as the next male, and this movie still managed to offend me on these simple grounds: It's pure misogynist drivel from start to finish. My oh my, Billy-Bob, that's a big word, you might think. But basically, I'm offended by the movies latent (well, maybe "obvious" would be a more fitting word) view of women-folk. As some of you may know, women is a race of creatures closely related to people. This movie, however, treats them as suckling at the teets of Satan herself, or even worse, whipping out said teets for themselves to suckle (the observant reader will deduct that I'm actually claiming the movie depicts women sucking their own tits while feeding small children dismembered phalloses (phalli?), which is not as far off the mark as one might expect).

There are many ways in which one gets this impression. The most prominent is the peculiar way the island which the protagonist (Nick the Dick) visits is run by women. By women! The disgrace! There must be something foul afoot! Don't worry, there sure is. All the men are lame ducks (or limp dicks, whatever you prefer), and all the women are mysterious and scary. Their leaders are strong in that feminine, cowardly way; they are master manipulators. But when push comes to show, they are physically inferior to, and easily beaten up by, the mighty man. I'm not kidding you here, Mr. Penis gracefully kicks the asses of several women for no apparent reason (in one stand-out scene he walks up to his daughter, who's tied to a tree, and punches a woman standing next to her in the face. He does this despite the fact that he's a police officer with a badge and a gun, and the woman makes no threatening gestures aside from, possibly, secretly considering menstruating on his leg. If memory serves, which I have a hard time actually believing myself, he is also, in said scene, dressed as a bear).

There is, however, one woman who's not a murdering psycho on this island. She is Nickys ex-wife, and is quite the independent lady, more than capable of looking after herself and her daughter..
KIDDING! She's scared, a pussy (quite literally) who needs the MAN before she's able to do anything, let alone going to the toilet or step across a tiny puddle. Only she's not, really. She's just fucking with him. And his daughter, as well. They're ALL fucking with him. Just like all women constantly fuck with all men. You know they can't be trusted. Luckily we're strong enough to give them bleeding bitches a good old thrashing! In fact, I say all of us manly men go out RIGHT NOW, and TAKE IT TO THE STREETS! CAN YOU DIG IT?


..sorry about that, I got a bit carried away. Anyway, to recap:

The message of the movie is this: Women are all worshippers of some strange, old alien-god, devouring and feeding on masculine energy, and they despise all healthy values like physical strength, logic, and fetishist porn. In fact, one day, when artificial insemination of men becomes possible, we should just wipe them all out. Meanwhile, if we can't imprison them, at least we can continue to oppress them. And let's just pray they never get any real power.

'Cause then we'll all burn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why can't you write something....? I miss your posts.