June 14, 2006

Buh-bye for now

Did I say juicy update? Funny, I don't remember that.

Anyway, here's the dealio, kids: Uncle Grovdal will be abandoned by the internet. That means random updates, at best, for the unforeseeable future (most likely the next month or so). Let's hope Cogitatum picks up the slack, since he's finally made an update after centuries of silence. Go over there and bother him, children. He deserves it, the bastard, for still having teh internet and everything.

I'm going to miss the 'net. Buh-bye for now, then.

June 01, 2006

Attention, music lover!

Alright now, this is just peachy: A radio station that plays music you may like, depending on your very own input. Pandora is just a click away, friends.

I'll be back with a more juicy update soon. In the meantime, Sleeper Says: Enjoy.