August 30, 2005

Morning blues

Today, it is tuesday. The traditional sunday fear and loathing should have gone by now. There is not even the slightest possibility that any alcohol at all still resides in my body. Yet it's there, barely, peeking out from beneath my inner eye. And I blame it all on this: Lack of sleep. I live in an environment severely hostile towards sleep. I'm not the kind of person who's able to sleep seven or eight hours a night and still bounce about like a bumblebee on speed. I really need to do something about my curtain-thingy.

But aside from that, I'm thinking it's about time to stop writing about my mundane everyday experiences. After all, I'm here for your entertainment, since you're all too lazy to step away from your computer. So I'll try to update more often, my social life be damned. But right now, I've got to prepare for two brutal hours of lecture at the university. Oops. I did it again, it would seem. Ponder this while I'm gone: Yesterday I saw a man with boobs, and he wasn't even fat. Scary.

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