April 26, 2007

Facebook Knows What You Is Up To

Quick hit: A lot of people have wanted me to get a Facebook account recently. Turns out the Broken Saints guys have experienced the same, and on their blog I just saw this..

Also, how come everybody and their grandmas have got on this thing suddenly? Us skeptics will have the last laugh, methinks.


Anonymous said...

conspiracy theory, bla bla yada yada .giving up an opportunity to get in touch with or find someone you've lost. It's your call man.
no matter what you use someone else will benefit from it...
Maybe we should all stay inn and go back to writing letters, oh no, that would require a mailman to bring the letters to our friends and the mailman would have to get paid. the horror.

The information available on facebook is information the user choose to share with others.

Other information containing your name on the internet is available for anyone anyway.

No point. I can see you've made up your mind. I breath in. I breath out. The world keeps turning round and round.

Simen said...

You chose what you want to share dear mr paranoid.

Rudevalley said...

Comments! Aww! How nice. I really appreciate it. However, I still feel obliged to point out that what has been written is so moronic it boggles my mind. I don't even know where to start, since I can't even think of an insult strong enough to describe this level of idiocy.

Let's start with the basics. Yes, you choose what you want to share. However, contrary to what facebook itself claims, you do not choose who you share your information with. If they want to, they can provide your information to, and I quote, "other companies, lawyers, agents or government agencies". This is not paranoia, it's lifted straight out of their privacy policy. They also retain the right to share your statistical information with third parties. If you are ok with this, then more power to you. I still think it's something one should be aware of.

Concerning the mailman, I generally trust him not to make copies of my letters and send them to random businesses, just so they can provide me with a more "personalized" door-salesman experience. But maybe I'm being naive? At least he doesn't demand that I sign a privacy policy laced with small print in order to send a fucking letter.

On an end note, the motto of the Information Awareness Office, mentioned in the link I provided, translates to "knowledge is power". I sincerely hope this is not a new concept to you people.

Anonymous said...

This is me, the one who defended, or tried to defend Facebook in my earlier comment... Well, I take it all back.

I don't think you are interested in knowing why but I'll share anyway. This is not an attempt to take over your blog good friend. Here goes:

I was sitting in front of the tv, trying to watch the news on my new favourite news network, Al Jazeera. But my mind kept floating away... I can remember thinking: "Hmmm, I wonder if the number of my friends on facebook has increased since I last checked 2 hours ago..." I was pulled out of my interesting and fascinating thoughts, by the tv screen. suddenly it seemed to be covered with blood. There were men running around shouting and crying, footage from Iraq. The reader was saying: The number of people killed, after a suicidebomber blew up himself in a trailer, has increased from 60 to 68...

This can be interpreted into beeing about me and my relationship to the media, facebook, war, Iraq and God (aka Sleeper) knows what else. But it doesent matter.

No matter how interpreted, it's still really really tragic.