September 08, 2005

Bend over like Beckham

So, here I am, thinking to myself: What the hell am I supposed to blog about today? After a day of moving stuff around (the result is quite nice, only slightly disappointing in that it's not as amazing as I had hoped) I feel rather empty in the bump on top of my body (on other people often referred to as 'brain'). But what do you know! Another friend to the rescue! What is The Question Quest, you might ask. And lo! it's creator has already asked for you, and given a coherent answer, too. Like before, if he keeps it up, he'll most definately go in the left. He's barely funnier than me, but not even half as rude. So by my standards I win. Ha ha! Anyway, go click already.
Friends: Writing about stuff so I don't have to. Gotta love 'em.

What is it like to be lost in a dark, disturbing version of Norway's capital city? I don't know, but I'm planning to go there and find out (no, I'm not talking about the west side). Somewhere inside my head there's a story noone has written. Why must it be me? It's hardly fair.

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