September 06, 2005

New Rules

These people should be shot at birth: People who don't clean up their own mess while living with others. People who work with political advertising. Newspaper editors (and journalists) who treat their readers like kids. I'm tempted to put people in general in this category, but I won't. For now.

The election's closing in, and I've just had my eyebrows waxed. I think that about sums up the general level of political consciousness in Norway. Still, it looks like the left will finally have their day, but of course, it's a left with adjustments (which means, basically, that the largest coalition party is nowhere near the left side of the political asshole-line). Even so, if they get the majority of representatives (in the Storting? Big thing? Unsure of the english term there) we might (I repeat, might) end up with a country that won't sicken me to death before I hit thirty. I suppose the decent thing to do is to encourage people to vote, to have their say no matter what their opinions are. But I'm anything but decent. Here's my advice: Vote for the socialist party, and tie everyone who's planning to do otherwise to a table come election day. Remember that other people actually do exist, and aren't just dreams to be used for your own benefit (as the right-wing parties seem to think). And if you think that's un-democratic or some such nonsense, try this thought on for size: Would you rather that other people voted for their own benefit, or for yours? Socialism is the new sliced bread, make it happen people. I believe in you, just this once.

Some words of wisdom in closing: The earth revolves around the sun. You are not the sun.


Anonymous said...

Yuo can use the term "parliament" for the big thing.

Anonymous said...

And I should learn to spell the difficult word "you" ...