June 27, 2005

Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head

I have been meaning to write a mini-review of Gorillaz' latest, Demon Days, but have come to the conclusion that it's pointless. I am able to talk about music for some time, but don't have much love for over-analyzers. There's not much to say about the album, really, other than this: If you have the slightest love for music (and I know people who don't), stop masturbating at once and go buy it. Or go buy it when you're done, I guess that's OK as well. Don't even try downloading it (at least not illegally), because the mountain known as Monkey will know.

Yesterday, I overheard a kid singing ABBA while on the toilet. It was somewhat disturbing, but also tells you everything you need to know about their 'music'.

The mountain has spoken.

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