June 10, 2005


Yes! I'm hip! I'm cutting edge! I'm at the forefront of a new phenomena!
What's that you're saying? People have been blogging for years? Really?
Oh well.
At least I tried.

So, who am I and why am I starting this blog? None of your damn business. I'm Norwegian, yet I'm writing in English. Deal with it. I'll just start off by saying that for those of you who are still hoping to find a blog worth reading on a daily basis, give it up. Get a life or something. There's a whole bloody world out there, for crying out loud.
Still here? Good. Now we've gotten rid of all those damn positive people. Let's talk substance. Here you will learn all you'll ever need to know about the world. All you'll ever need to know about the world is this: It sucks. It's about getting through the day without wondering what the next piece of shit's going to taste like. And that's fine. I mean, if the world was all orgasms and happy sundials, what the hell would I have to write about?
Not much.

So on that happy note, welcome to my blog. If you've made it this far, you're either someone I've told to check this out (that probably means friends, family or whatever) or you're seriously demented and/or bored. So what will this pointless ranting be about? What's the point of pointless, you might ask? Well, for one thing, it'll be a place free of that pesky grammar (something that could be said of the internet in general). Also, I am the king of this pretend-kingdom, situated in a non-existent space of the world, which means I get to sound off. So does everyone else, of course, as long as the scream-and-shout-button works the way it's supposed to.
About that: Please do not expect a polite answer. You won't get it. In fact, you'll probably get the opposite. So let's hear it, who do you want to throw faeces at today?

Oh, and I might say something clever someday, so stick around.

Pretty please?

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