June 16, 2005

Tennis, WoW, and porn

Now that I've gotten through my very first job interview (no, I'm not 15, just lazy) I really don't have much to do except sit back and wait for a coherent answer. With people playing tennis outside my window all day long I really shouldn't be getting bored any time soon, anyway.

With me getting closer to actually making money this summer I also feel the pull of World of Warcraft, from which I quit some months back to focus on doing stuff in the real world, like having exams. Now, there's really only one reason for going back, and that's playing with my friends and guildies. The problem is, there's not a whole lot to do in WoW, you kill monsters, chat with friends, and then you kill some more monsters. And maybe kill some more monsters after that. The whole thing gets old pretty fast, and with lack of variation comes lack of interest. You do have the option of killing players instead, of course, but since I'll never play enough to compete with the top ranking players, it all seems a bit pointless.
Oh, and it's summer, the sun's all "Hey you fuckers! I'm out here" and I've got a crapload of single-player games I wanna check out. So my next visit to Azeroth will probably be more of a social call than a neverending journey.

On a completely different note, what makes Darth Vader go "noooooooooooooooo!"? Have a look. In other news, Deep Throat may now become a movie. Wait, wasn't it already? Bet that'll create confusion down at the local porn store.

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